
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ngaicamphor, Elumea, Sambong

Ngaicamphor or Elumea leaves (sambong in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Headache due to Sinusitis:
  • Crush 5 leaves and heat directly over open fire, one at a time.
  • Apply directly while still hot over the forehead for frontal sinusitis and over the cheeks for maxillary sinusitis. Replace the cool leaf with a newly heated one till all 5 leaves are used up. Do this 2 times a day.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coeus Blumei Benth, Mayana

Coeus Blumei Benth leaves (mayana in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Headache due to Sinusitis:
  • Heat 10 fresh leaves over the fire.Heat only 4 leaves at a time.
  • Apply directly while still hot over the forehead for frontal sinusitis, and over the cheeks near the nose for maxillary sinusitis.Replace the cold leaves with the newly heated ones till all 10 leaves are used up. Do this 2 times a day.

Headaches due to Sinusitis

          Sinusitis is the inflammation of any of the paranasal sinuses, as the frontal, maxillary, or ethmoidal sinuses.

Water Treatments:
1.  Steam inhalation, 2 times a day.
2.  Hot foot bath, if headache is due to head congestions.
3.  Hot compress on the sinuses.
4.  Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water or fruit juices during the day.
5.  Avoid eating sweet and oily foods.


          Fractures are breaks in the bones. A simple fracture is one where there is no wound on the skin. A compound fracture is one where a broken bone protrudes through the skin.

First Aid:
1.  Don’t lift the victim. Let him lie flat on the ground or where you found him. Don’t massage or use any herbal concoction or poultice on the fracture.
2.  Examine the body for bleeding but do not move the extremities. If he is conscious, ask him where it hurts.
3.  When the fracture is identified, immobilize the body part. Get two piece of wood or sticks and splint the fractured leg or arm. Cut out his clothes or your shirt to tie the splint if strings are not available. Handkerchiefs may be used, if available, to tie the splint.
4.  The splint should be placed to limit the movement of the joints. The fractured arm can be tied to the body while the fractured leg can be tied to the other leg if splint materials are not available.
5.  Transport the victim carefully and right away to the nearest hospital for immediate care.

Marsh Mint, Pepper Mint, Herba Buena

Marsh Mint or Pepper Mint leaves (herba Buena in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Flatulence or Gas Pain:
  • Boil one tablespoon of dried leaves or 5 chopped fresh leaves in 1 glass of water for 5 minutes.

     Adults:  1 glass, every 4 hours.
     Children:  (Babies) 1 tbp., every 4 hours.
                      (2-6 yrs.) 1/2 cup, every 4 hours.
                      (7-12 yrs.) 1 cup, every 4 hours.

Turmeric, Kilaw

Turmeric yellow ginger (kilaw in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Flatulence or Gas Pain:
  • Chop and boil one piece, 2 inches in size, in 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes.

     Adults:  1 cup, every 4 hours.
     Children:  (Babies) 1 tbp., every 4 hours.
                      (2-6 yrs.) 1/4 cup, every 4 hours.
                      (7-12 yrs.) 1/2 cup, every 4 hours.

Indian Chrysanthemum, Mansanilya

Indian Chrysanthemum leaves (mansanilya in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Flatulence or Gas Pain:
  • Crush or chop leaves and mix with coconut oil.
  • Rub the oil mixture on the abdomen and apply abdominal binder. Leave binder on overnight or for at least 4 hours.