
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Touch Me Not, Kamantigui

Touch Me Not flowers poultice (kamantigui in tagalog) water treatments using herbal decoctions.

Treatments for Athlete's Foot:
  • Chop flowers.
  • Apply as poultice on infected part after hot foot bath in the Makabuhay/Ringworm bush or shrub decoction.

Ringworm Bush or Shrub, Akapulko

Ringworm bush or shrub leaves (akapulko in tagalog) water treatments using herbal medications.

Treatments for Athlete's Foot:
  • crush young leaves and extract juice.
  • apply the juice directly between the toes and the other Makabuhay/Ringworm bush or shrub decoction.

Tinospura Rumphii Boerl, Makabuhay

Tinospura rumphii boerl vine hot foot bath (makabuhay in tagalog) water treatments using herbal decoctions:
Chop a one-foot long portion of the vine and boil in 5 glasses of water for 15 minutes.
Soak the infected foot in the hot decoction for 15 minutes or as can be tolerated. While foot is soaked, rub between the toes with cotton applicators, removing the dead skin and pricking the vesicles. Soak for 10 more minutes after the removal of the dead skin. Soak once a day only.

Precautions:   Athlete's foot is very contagious. It can infect the fingers and the other foot. The towel used for drying the feet and toes should not be used to dry other parts of the body. Use cotton applicators to remove dead skin. Wash very well the basin used for soaking.

Athlete's Foot

          Athlete's foot (alipunga or dermatophytosis) is an eruption on the skin characterized by the formation of itchy small vesicles with cracking and scaling on the hands and feet, especially between the toes.

Preventive Measures:
1.   Keep feet and toes always clean and dry.
2.   Always wear clean and dry socks and shoes.
3.   Don't wear others' slippers, sneakers, socks and shoes. Don't let others wear your footwear.
4.   Don't go barefoot in the bathroom. Wear your own rubber slippers in public bathrooms, swimming pools and riverbeds.
5.   If your feet are infected, put your slippers and shoes under the son for one hour every day for one week when not in use.

Amaranth, Kulitis

Amaranth leaves and flowers (kulitis in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Asthma:
  • Boil 5 chopped young stems with flowers and leaves in 5 glasses of water for 10 minutes.

     Adults:   1 cup, 4 times a day.
     Children:   1/2 cup, 4 times a day.
     Babies:   2 tsps., 4 times a day.

Note:   This treatment is specially good for excessive mucus discharge.

Tamarind, Sampalok

Tamarind bark (sampalok in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Asthma:
  • Chop and boil a one-foot long piece of bark in 3 glasses of water for 10 minutes.

         Adults:   1 cup every after meal and at bedtime.
         Children:   1/2 cup, 4 times a day (after meals and at bedtime).
         Babies:   2 tsps., 4 times a day (after meals and at bedtime).

    Frangipani, Temple Power, Graveyard Flower, Kalatsutsi

    Frangipani, Temple power, Graveyard flower leaves (kalatsutsi in tagalog) herbal medication.

    Treatments for Asthma:
    • Roll 2 dried leaves.
    • Use as cigarette, one in the morning and one in the evening.