
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Five-leaved Chaste Tree, Lagundi

Five-leaved Chaste Tree leaves  (lagundi in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Fever:
  • Boil 4 tablespoons of chopped dry leaves or 6 tablespoons of chopped fresh leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes.
     Adults:  1 cup, every 4 hours.
     Children:  (babies) 1 tablespoon, every 4 hours.
                    (2-6 yrs.) 1/4 cup, every 4 hours.
                    (7-12 yrs.) 1/2 cup, every 4 hours.

Auerrhoa Carambola, Balimbing

Auerrhoa Carambola leaves “for itchiness” (balimbing in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for itchiness:
  • Crush or chop young leaves and extract the juice.
  • Apply the juice on the skin or lesions to relieve itchiness, 3 times a day. Don’t rub juice on the skin.

Chicken Pox

          Chicken pox is an acute contagious disease. It principally afflicts children and is caused by the varicella virus. It is characterized by a superficial eruption of transparent muscular vesicles which appear in successive crops on different parts of the body. 

Water Treatments:
1.   Fever sponge bath or continuous cold compress to the head for fever.
2.   Warm shower or warm sponge bath daily. Do not rub the lesions.
3.   Give plenty of fruit juices and water to patient during waking hours. 

Note:   Isolate the patient in a room, if possible, to prevent the spread of the disease to other members of the family.

Annatto, Atsuete

Annatto leaves (atsuete in tagalog) herbal medications for small burn area

Treatments for Burns:
  • Wash leaves with soap and water. Boil 10 leaves in 5 glasses of water. Let it cool.
  • Soak the burn area for 10 minutes, once a day.

Aloe Vera, Curacao Aloe, Sabilla

Aloe Vera, Curacao Aloe leaves (sabilla in tagalog) herbal medications for small burn area.

Treatments for Burns:
  • Wash leaves with soap and water. Pound the leaves and extract juice.
  • Apply juice on the burn area after soaking in warm salt solution, once a day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


          Burns is an injury on the skin and flesh resulting from application of heat, radiation, friction and electricity.

Water Treatments:
1.   Soak burn area in cold water immediately. Soak for 10 minutes to relieve pain.
2.   If there are blisters, do not puncture the blister. Keep dry and clean. Keep from flies and dust. Cover the burn area with a clean piece of cloth. Iron cloth before using it to cover the burn area.
3.   If the burn involves a large area of the body, bring the patient to the nearest hospital. Do not do anything to the patient. Let him lie down and cover him with clean sheet to keep him warm.
4.   If the burn area is small, soak in warm salt solution for 20 minutes after 24 hours. Formula for warm salt solution. 1/2 cup of salt in a basin of warm water, or 1/2 cup in a pail of water. Soak once a day for 3 days or until burn dries up.

Coeus Blumei Benth, Mayana

Coeus Blumei Benth leaves (mayana in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Bleeding Wounds:
  • Wash the young leaves. Crush and extract the juice from the leaves.
  • Drop a few drops if the juice directly in the wound. Apply the crushed leaves as poultice. Bandage snugly but not too tightly to interfere with circulation.