
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Oleander, Adelfa

Oleander bark and leaves (adelfa in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Herpes:
  • Mix well 1 cup of chopped leaves and bark with 2 tablespoons of oil.
  • Apply on the lesions, 3 times a day.

Frangipani, Temple Power, kalatsutsi

Frangipani, Temple Power juice (kalatsutsi in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Herpes:
  • Extract juice from the leaves.
  • Apply directly on the lesions, 3 times a day.


          Herpes simplex is an acute viral disease, characterized by groups of vesicles or small blisters. Commonly recurrent, herpes is at times seen in the same place it was seen before.

Water Treatments Using Herbal Decoctions:
1.  Daily bath with soap and warm water.

Bitter Gourd, Bitter Melon, Ampalaya

Bitter Gourd or Bitter Melon roots, fruits and seeds (ampalaya in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Hemorrhoids:
  • Wash and chop the roots, fruits and seeds. Extract the juice and mix with oil. Use 1/2 cup chopped roots, fruits and seeds with 2 tablespoons of oil.
  • Wet cotton with the ampalaya-oil mixture and apply on the hemorrhoids after the hot sitz bath.

Bath Sponge, Patola

Bath Sponge leaves (patola in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Hemorrhoids:
  • Wash and chop about 20 leaves and boil in 2 gallons of water for 10 minutes. Strain.
  • Use this decoction for hot sitz bath.

Ginger Lily, Kamias

Ginger Lily leaves (kamias in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Hemorrhoids:
  • Boil 3 cups of chopped fresh leaves in 2 gallons of water for 10 minutes. Strain.
  • Use this decoction for hot sitz bath.


          Hemorrhoids are multiple plexuses of varicose veins in the lower rectum or anus.

Water Treatments Using Herbal Decoctions:
1.  Hot sitz bath, 2 times a day.
2.  Use any one of these herbal leaves in making decoction for hot sitz bath.

Procedure (hot sitz bath):
a.  Boil water in large kettle.
b.  Put the large basin on the chair or on the floor, with small amount of hot water, hot enough for patient to sit in it.
c.  Remove clothing, underwears and dressings if there are any. Drape with sheet or blanket.
d.  Assist the patient to sit in the basin, placing the feet in the smaller basin of hot water.
e.  Apply cold compress on the forehead and gradually add hot water to the sitz basin and the foot basin, increasing the water temperature to patient’s tolerance. Stir the water with the hands as you add the hot water. Be careful not to pour hot water on patient’s buttocks and feet.
f.  Renew cold compress to the head as often as you can. Continue adding hot water for from 20 to 30 minutes.
g.  At the end of the treatment, pour cold water to the sitz bath basin. Raise the feet and pour cold water to the feet and dry well.
h.  Assist the patient out of the basin and give warm shower or sponge bath.
i.  Let patient rest and keep warm after treatment.

Note:  Hot sitz bath is best done in the bathroom for the floor is likely to get wet.