
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tinospora rumphii Boerl, Makabuhay

Tinospura rumphii Boerl vine tub bath (makabuhay in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Scabies:
  • Chop a meter-long vine and boil in one gallon water for 15 minutes. Add enough water to fill up one plastic pail big enough to completely soak a child, if the whole body is infected.
  • For adults, use the decoction for hot compress on the affected parts only.


          Scabies (“galis aso”) is a contagious disorder of the skin caused by Sarcoptes scabiel, characterized by multiform lesions with intense itching which occur mostly at night.

Water Treatments:
1.  Daily bath with soap and water. Change into clean clothes every after bath, including underwears.
2.  Put under the sun all beddings used at night: mat, pillows, sheets, blankets and night clothes.
3.  Sleep alone prevent contaminating other members of the family. 
4.  Always keep clean. Wash hands, feet and face, or take a bath before sleeping.

Ringworm bush, Shrub, Akapulko

Ringworm bush or Shrub leaves (akapulko in tagalog) herbal medication using herbal decoctions.

Treatments for Ringworm:
  • Crush 5 leaves. 
  • Rub the juice on the affected areas, 2 times a day.

Oleander, Adelfa

Oleander bark and leaves (adelfa in tagalog) herbal medication using herbal decoctions.

Treatments for Ringworm:
  • Chop a one-foot long branch. Mix with 1 cup chopped fresh young leaves. Mix the juice with 5 drops of fresh coconut oil. 
  • Apply on affected parts, 3 times a day.

Garlic, Bawang

Garlic cloves (bawang in tagalog) herbal medication using decoctions.

Treatments for Ringworm:
  • Peel and crush one clove and rub it on the affected part until it gets red.
  • Apply 2 times a day: in the morning after the morning bath, and at bedtime.

Touch me not balsam, Kamantigui

Touch me not balsam compress or poultice (kamantigui in tagalog) herbal medication using herbal decoctions.

Treatments for Ringworm:
  • Crush 5-10 Touch me not balsam flowers. Amount depends upon the size of the infection. Crush the flowers until the juice is extracted.
  • Apply directly over the infected part as compress for 30 minutes, 2 times a day.

Tobacco, Tabako

Tobacco leaves decoction shampoo “tabako in tagalog” (if head and hair are affected) herbal medication using herbal decoctions.

Treatments for Ringworm:
  • Boil 10 leaves of fresh tobacco leaves in 1/2 gallon of water for 15 minutes. Cool and Drain. Add enough water to fill up a 3-gallon pail. 
  • Shampoo hair with the decoction, once a day, until healed.