
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Touch Me Not Balsam, Kamantigui

Touch Me Not Balsam flowers poultice (kamantigui in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Snake Bites:
  • Crush about 10 flowers.
  • Apply directly on the wound as poultice after it has been bled.

Oleander, Adelfa

Oleander leaves and branch poultice (adelfa in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Snake Bites:
  • Pound 10 leaves and a piece of branch. 
  • Apply directly on the wound after it has been bled.

Snake Bites

          Snake bites may be poisonous and can be fatal if nothing is done immediately.

First Aid:
1.  Keep the patient still to slow down circulation.
2.  Incise the bitten area and let it bleed to remove the position.
3.  Wrap a teaspoonful of salt in a handkerchief or a piece of cloth and moisten the salt with water. Apply it directly over the wound after the bleeding. Apply for 10-15 minutes.
4.  Bring the patient to the nearest hospital or clinic immediately.

Golden Shower, Kanya Pistula

Golden Shower leaves (kanya pistula in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Skin Itchiness and Allergy:
  • Crush young leaves.
  • Rub the crushed leaves on the affected area until relieved from itchiness.

Frangipani, Temple Power, Kalatsutsi

Frangipani or Temple Power sap from leaves and trunk (kalatsutsi in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Skin Itchiness and Allergy:
  • Extract the sap or juice from the leaves and trunk. Mix with coconut oil.
  • Rub the mixture on the affected skin, 2 times a day.

Gliridia sepium (Jacq.) Steud, Kakawate

Gliridia sepium (Jacq.) Steud leaves (kakawate in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Skin Itchiness and Allergy:
  • Crush or chop young leaves and extract juice.
  • Apply the juice on the skin until the itchiness is relieved.

Skin Itchiness and Allergy

          An allergy is a condition of acquired specific alteration which may be caused by sensitization and reexposure to an allergen. Skin itchiness may be due to contact with allergen.

Water Treatments:
1.  Starch bath. You may use for this Cassava/Tapioca Plant flour “kamoteng kahoy in tagalog”.
2.  Gawgaw or Starch powder. Use as powder after the bath or at bedtime.
Procedure (starch bath):
a.  Fill up the tub 2/3 full with warm water. Water should be deep enough to immerse the affected areas. Use bath tub if whole body is affected.
b.  Melt the starch in cold water in a small basin. Mix well the melted starch into the tub of water.
c.  Undress the patient and assist him into the tub.
d.  With the face towel, bathe the parts not interested. Wet the head or hair if the scalp is affected. Immerse patient for 20 minutes, but do not rub him with the towel.
e.  After 20 minutes, drain the water and pat dry the patient with dry towel. Don’t give shower or rinse the starch. Don’t use soap even for washing hands, unless a specific soap is ordered by the physician.
f.  Keep patient warm and avoid chilling.
g.  Give daily bath or twice a day, depending upon the patient’s condition.