
Friday, February 17, 2012

Fainting Spells

Fainting is a feeling of light-headedness and dizziness.

First Aid:
1.  Lower the head between the knees, if the patient is sitting on a chair.
2.  Or, let him lie flat with the head lower than the feet. This is done to draw blood to the head.
3.  Check pulse and respiration to see if breathing and pulse is strong. If the breathing is rapid and the pulse is strong, get a paper or plastic bag big enough to cover the face. Hold the bag over the nose and mouth and let patient breath in and out slowly in the bag for a few minutes. If he does not recover after 15-20 minutes, bring the patient to the nearest hospital or clinic for medical attention.
4.  If the patient is not breathing and his pulse cannot be felt, prepare to give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Have someone call a doctor or get ready to transport the patient to the nearest hospital. If someone is able to do CPR, give CPR while the patient is being transported to the hospital. Stop only when the patient’s pulse becomes palpable and he is already breathing.
5.  Check if the patient is diabetic or not. Ask the family.

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