
Tuesday, February 21, 2012


          Fever occurs when there is an elevation of the body temperature.

Water Treatments:
1.  Fever sponge bath. Give hot water sponge bath if the patient has high fever and his arms and legs are cold. Give cold water sponge bath if the skin is dry and hot. Give warm water sponge bath if there is fever with a generalized hot skin. Give a fever sponge bath three times a day, or more, if needed.
2.  Bed rest with continuous cold compress on the forehead.
3.  Hot foot bath. If the fever is due to head congestion and flu, give a hot foot bath in the morning and in the evening, after supper.
4.  Drink one glass of water or juice every hour during waking hours.

Procedure (fever sponge bath):
a.  Make the patient comfortable. Remove clothing and cover with a sheet or blanket. Close windows to avoid drafts.
b.  Protect the bed with the towels as each part is being sponged. Put one bath towel across the chest and sponge the face, ears, and neck. Dry the areas that had been sponged with the towel across the chest.
c.  Sponge one part at a time in the following order: arms, chest, abdomen, legs, feet and back. For the arm or leg, spread the towel under the whole length of the arm or leg while it is being sponged. Rub skin briefly with the face towel to draw blood on the surface. Dry each part after the sponge to avoid chilling. Be sure the patient is dry before replacing clothing and covers. Hot drinks (Calamansi juice) may be offered to encourage perspiration.

Procedure (cold compress):
a.  Wring compress cloth from ice water. Be sure it does not drip.
b.  Apply snugly on the area to be treated.
c.  Change or renew compress every 2-3 minutes.
d.  Treatment time: for decongestion … 20-30 minutes; fever… continuously, or as long as there fever.
e.  At the end of the treatment, dry body part thoroughly with the towel and avoid chilling.

Procedure (hot foot bath):
a.  Close windows and doors. If done in the bathroom, The patient should be seated on a chair. If the patient is too weak to sit, patient may lie down and be treated in bed.
b.  Remove clothing of patient, and drape with blanket.
c.  Assist patient’s feet into the pail or basin of water. Water is ankle deep to start with. Temperature should be a hot as can be tolerated.
d.  Apply cold compress to the forehead or on the nape if compress is small.
e.  Add hot water, in adding hot water to the foot tub, push the patient’s feet to one side and place your hand between the feet and the stream of water, increase the water temperature to patient’s heat tolerance.
f.  Continue adding hot water for 20-30 minutes, renewing cold compress every 2-3 minutes. Don’t let the water cool off.
g.  At the end of the treatment lift feet from the water and pour cold water over them.
h.  Give hot and cold shower if patient is strong. Give warm sponge bath if done in bed.
i.  Dry patient and keep him comfortable. Let patient rest till he stops perspiring.

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