
Friday, April 20, 2012

Skin Eruptions and Dermatitis

          Dermatitis is the inflammation of the skin.

Water Treatments:
1.  Starch bath, once a day.
2.  Use dry starch or gewgaw as powder if the skin is itchy and dry at night.
3.  Don’t use soap when taking a bath; take a starch bath instead. Don’t rub skin with towel to dry skin.
4.  Don’t scratch skin when itchy.

Procedure (starch bath):
a.  Fill up the tub 2/3 full with warm water. Water should be deep enough to immerse the affected areas. Use bath tub if whole body is affected.
b.  Melt the starch in cold water in a small basin. Mix well the melted starch into the tub of water.
c.  Undress the patient and assist him into the tub.
d.  With the face towel, bathe the parts not interested. Wet the head or hair if the scalp is affected. Immerse patient for 20 minutes, but do not rub him with the towel.
e.  After 20 minutes, drain the water and pat dry the patient with dry towel. Don’t give shower or rinse the starch. Don’t use soap even for washing hands, unless a specific soap is ordered by the physician.
f.  Keep patient warm and avoid chilling.
g.  Give daily bath or twice a day, depending upon the patient’s condition.

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