
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sprained Ankle or Wrist

          A sprain is the wrenching of a joint, producing a stretching or laceration of the ligaments.

Water Treatments:
1.  Ice pack on the ankle or wrist, 3 times a day immediately after the sprain.
2.  Cold compress on the ankle or wrist for 30 minutes, 3 times a day.
3.  Wrap ankle or wrist with elastic bandage after the ice pack.
4.  Rest the foot or arm for 3 days for severe swelling and pain.
5.  Consult the physician immediately for severe pain and swelling.

Procedure (ice pack):
a.  Spread the finely crushed ice on the bath towel, forming a layer about one inch thick. Adjust the surface area as needed for the affected part. Wrap the ice and secure it with safety pins.
b.  Wrap the area or joint with the flannel cloth or towel and place the ice pack, following the contour of the area.
c.  Never apply an ice pack directly on the skin. Cover the packed ice with plastic and secure carefully to prevent the bed from getting wet.
d.  Treatment time: 30 minutes to one hour. If there is a burning sensation during the ice pack application, the ice pack is not well insulated. Add insulator or add towel or flannel cloth.
e.  To end treatment, remove the pack, dry the area and observe reaction. Treatment may be repeated after two hours in acute injuries to relieve pain and swelling.
f.  Cover or bandage area to avoid chilling, especially in acute sprain ankles.

Procedure (cold compress):
a.  Wring compress cloth from ice water. Be sure it does not drip.
b.  Apply snugly on the area to be treated.
c.  Change or renew compress every 2-3 minutes.
d.  Treatment time: for decongestion … 20-30 minutes; fever… continuously, or as long as there fever.
e.  At the end of the treatment, dry body part thoroughly with the towel and avoid chilling.

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