
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dong Quai

(Tang Kwei, Dong Kwei, Dang Quai) – (Angelica sinensis) Part used: Root. Properties: Diuretic, anti-spasmodic, anodyne, uterine alternative. What it affects: Uterus, blood and muscles.

Preparation and amount: Take 4-7 grams, several times a day.

Purposes: Internally, dong quai is useful for almost every female gynecological problem. It is especially useful for menstrual cramps, irregularity, delayed flow and weakness during the menstrual period. It also helps relieve the symptoms of menopause. It is useful in treating hot flashes, premenstrual syndrome and vaginal dryness. It strengthens the reproductive system and helps the body use hormones.
  • Dong quai is useful for treating insomnia, hypertension and cramps. It nourishes the blood, helps treat anemia, and is a valuable blood purifier. It acts as a mild sedative, laxative, diuretic; and it relieves spasms and pain. It is warning to the circulation and is used to moisten the intestines and thus treat constipation.

Warning: It should not be used during pregnancy or with excessive menstrual flow.

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