
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Touch Me Not Balsam, Kamantigui

Touch Me Not Balsam stems and leaves poultice ( kamantigui in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Sprained Ankle or Wrist:
  • Pound 2 stems with leaves.
  • Apply directly as poultice for 30 minutes, 3 times a day. Use bandage to hold the poultice in place.

Curacao Aloe, Aloe Vera, Sabila

Curacao aloe,or Aloe vera leaves poultice (sabila in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Sprained Ankle or Wrist:
  • Pound 2 to 3 fresh leaves.
  • Apply directly as poultice on the ankle or wrist for 30 minutes, 3 times a day. Use bandage to hold poultice in place.

Sprained Ankle or Wrist

          A sprain is the wrenching of a joint, producing a stretching or laceration of the ligaments.

Water Treatments:
1.  Ice pack on the ankle or wrist, 3 times a day immediately after the sprain.
2.  Cold compress on the ankle or wrist for 30 minutes, 3 times a day.
3.  Wrap ankle or wrist with elastic bandage after the ice pack.
4.  Rest the foot or arm for 3 days for severe swelling and pain.
5.  Consult the physician immediately for severe pain and swelling.

Procedure (ice pack):
a.  Spread the finely crushed ice on the bath towel, forming a layer about one inch thick. Adjust the surface area as needed for the affected part. Wrap the ice and secure it with safety pins.
b.  Wrap the area or joint with the flannel cloth or towel and place the ice pack, following the contour of the area.
c.  Never apply an ice pack directly on the skin. Cover the packed ice with plastic and secure carefully to prevent the bed from getting wet.
d.  Treatment time: 30 minutes to one hour. If there is a burning sensation during the ice pack application, the ice pack is not well insulated. Add insulator or add towel or flannel cloth.
e.  To end treatment, remove the pack, dry the area and observe reaction. Treatment may be repeated after two hours in acute injuries to relieve pain and swelling.
f.  Cover or bandage area to avoid chilling, especially in acute sprain ankles.

Procedure (cold compress):
a.  Wring compress cloth from ice water. Be sure it does not drip.
b.  Apply snugly on the area to be treated.
c.  Change or renew compress every 2-3 minutes.
d.  Treatment time: for decongestion … 20-30 minutes; fever… continuously, or as long as there fever.
e.  At the end of the treatment, dry body part thoroughly with the towel and avoid chilling.

Garlic, Bawang

Garlic lozenges (bawang in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Sore Throat:
  • Wash one piece and peel.
  • Keep in the mouth for some time, chewing it slow. Swallow juice.

Aloe Vera, Curacao Aloe, Sabila

Aloe vera or Curacao aloe leaves (sabila in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Sore Throat:
  • Wash the leaf and cut in 1/2 inch sizes.
  • Keep in the mouth all day, swallowing the juice. Take another piece when there is no more juice.

Ginger, Luya

Ginger lozenges (luya in tagalog) herbal medications.

Treatments for Sore throat:
  • Wash and peel a small piece of ginger.
  • Chew slowly for a few minutes. Swallow the juice. Or, keep a small piece in the mouth, chewing it little by little.

Sore Throat

          A sore throat is a congestion or inflammation in the throat due to tonsillitis, pharyngistis or laryngitis.

Water Treatments:
1.  Hot salt gargle, 3 times a day. Before breakfast, before lunch, and at bedtime.
2.  Heating throat compress at bedtime. Leave it on until morning. Repeat procedure if the patient stays home in the morning.
3.  Steam inhalation, 2 times a day. In the morning before breakfast, and before bedtime after the hot salt gargle.
4.  If possible, rest the voice until the swelling or inflammation subsides.

Procedure (hot salt gargle):
a.  Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a glass of hot water. Temperature should be as hot as can be tolerated for drinking. Stir with teaspoon till salt is melted.
b.  Salt gargle should be done in the bathroom sink.
c.  Sip enough water and let it roll freely in the throat for a few seconds before spewing the water out into the sink.
d.  Continue the procedure of throat gargle till all the 2 glasses of salt solution is consumed.
e.  If sore throat is severe with harsh voice, salt gargle may be repeated every two hours when awake.
f.  Throat gargle is best done after meals.
g.  For best result, don’t drink cold drinks until sore throat is healed.

Procedure (heating throat compress):
a.  Soak cloth with tap water. Wring and put around the neck or joint twice. Be sure the wet cloth is neither too wet to drip nor too dry. If medicated compress is applied, rub area with prescribed medication or ointment. Do not wet the cloth with water but wrap the cloth around the area dry after the medication is applied. (In applying a plain heating compress, wet cloth is applied without medication.)
b.  Apply compress smoothly and quickly to avoid chilling.
c.  With the piece of flannel cloth, wrap compress snugly to exclude air and pin securely on the side of the neck or joint.
d.  Leave compress on overnight or at least for 6-8 hours.
e.  Take care that the compress is not too tight so it does not interfere with circulation and joint movement.
f.  Rub area with a cloth wrung out of cold water (tap water) immediately after removing the compress in the morning or after 6-8 hours.
g.  Dry the area thoroughly. Compress may be applied once or twice a day.

Note:  It is best to apply a heating compress at night just before retiring.