
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Psyllium (silyum in tagalog)

(Plantago psyllium) Part used: Seeds. Properties: Demulcent, laxative. What it affects: Intestines.

Preparation and amount: Infusion: Steep 5-15 min. Take 2-4 tsp. after each meal; children take 1 tsp. after each meal. Powder: Take 1 tsp. in warm water or juice, 3 times daily. Powder: Take 6-8 #0 capsules (50-60 grains) 3 times daily.

Purposes: Internally, psyllium seed is a faithful standby. Either the powder or the soaked seed will assist easy bowl movements during colitis, inflamed ulcers, and hemorrhoids by increasing water content in the colon. Take a teaspoon of the powder in warm water or juice 3 times a day, to clean the intestines and remove putrefactive toxins. Make the dose one-half teaspoon for children.

Externally, psyllium seed powder is very often added to poultices as a binder (to hold it all together). For this purposes, add a small amount while pouring water over the ingredients and stir until it becomes thick, similar to dough. Psyllium will draw pus from boils, sores and carbuncles.
Note: Psyllium seed powder can also be added to unleavened bread as a binder.

1 comment:

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