
Friday, February 22, 2013

Red Clover (mapulang klober in tagalog)

(Trifolium pretense) Part used: Flowering tops. Properties: Alternative, nutritive, sedative, stimulant. What it affects: Nerves, lungs, blood, liver, and lymph.

Preparation and amount: Infusion: Steep 30 min. Take 1-2 oz. frequently or 4-6 cups daily. Tincture: 5-30 drops frequently. Fluid extract: Take 1 tsp. frequently. Powder: Take 5-10 #0 capsules (30-60 grains) frequently.

Purposes: Internally, red clover is considered among the very best anti-cancer herbs. It is a powerful blood purifier, either used alone or in combination with yellow dock, dandelion root, sassafras, or other blood purifiers. It fights infection, suppresses appetite, relaxes the system, stops spasms, and induces expectoration. It is soothing to the nerves and is good for whooping cough, psoriasis, rheumatism, and stomach problems. It is used for coughs, bronchitis, inflamed lungs, kidney problems, liver diseases, weakened immune system, bacterial infections, HIV, and AIDS.
Externally, it can be applied as a poultice or fomentation on cancerous growth.

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