
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Juniper Berries (enebrong ratiles in tagalog)

(Juniperus communis) Part used: Fruit. Properties: Antispasmodic, diuretic, anodyne, aromatic, astringent, carminative, lithotriptic, stimulant. What it affects: Kidneys and stomach.

Preparation and amount: Infusion: Steep 5-15 min. Take 3 oz. 1-3 times daily. Decoction: Simmer 5-15 min. Take 1-2 cups daily. Tincture: Take 5-20 drops 3 times daily. Fluid extract: Take 1/2 - 1 tsp. 3 times daily. Oil: Take 1-3 drops 2 times daily. Powder: Take up to 10 #0 capsules (up to 60 grains) daily.

Purposes: Internally, juniper berries acts as a stimulating diuretic and are beneficial in the treatment of urine retention, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, and pains in the lower back. It is also good for bladder discharges and uric acid buildup. Take 1-3 drops of the oil, plus honey, 2 times a day. It is usually taken internally by eating the berries or making a tea from them. The berries eliminate excess water. The tea is a good douche for vaginal infections. It is helpful in the treatment of asthma, fluid retention, and prostate disorders. It is also used for diabetes, cystitis, bladder diseases, allergies, arthritis, bed-wetting, hay fever, lumbago, and nephritis.
Juniper berries are used for gastro-intestinal infections and cramps, leucorrhea, gonorrhea, gouty and rheumatic pains. It is an excellent digestive tonic. It helps in cases of reduced production of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) and in regulating blood sugar levels.
As a spice, the berries are used to enhance flavor, stimulate appetite, and counteract flatulence. The berries can be made into a jam or syrup as an appetizer. A few dried berries can be chewed and taste good.

Externally, juniper oil, derived from the berries, penetrates the skin easily and is good for bone and joint problems. Inhaled in a vapor bath, it is useful for bronchitis and infection in the lungs. The berries can be boiled and then sprayed in a room where sick people have been, to disinfect it. It is said that those who are nursing patients with serious diseases should show chew a few berries, to protect themselves from pathogenic substances which might be inhaled.

Warning: Large doses of juniper berries can be irritating to the kidneys and urinary passages. It may interfere with the absorption of iron and certain other minerals. It should not be used during pregnancy, nor by person with kidney disease. It should not be used for lengthy period of time by those with urinary tract or inflammatory diseases. The pure oil, placed on the skin in large quantities, can cause inflammation and blisters.

1 comment:

  1. hi rechelle may i ask if you can point me to the direction where i can get the plant you've discussed here like the hops? do you know where i can get live plants of this? my name is james allan to and my email is thank you
