
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lobelia (lobelia in tagalog)

(Lobelia inflate) Part used: Plant and seeds. Properties: Antispasmodic, emetic, nervine, expectorant. What it affects: Nerves, lungs, stomach, muscles, and circulation.

Preparation and amount: Infusion: Steep 5-15 min. Take 1 Tbsp. as needed. Tincture: Take 10-30 drops as needed. Fluid extract: Take 5-30 drops as needed. Powder: Take 1-2 #0 capsules (1-10 grains) as needed.

Purposes: Lobelia is both a relaxant and stimulant and is a powerful helper.
Internally, in very small doses (5-10 drops of the tincture or one gelatin capsule), it is extremely relaxing for all spasms, both internally and externally; and it is used for lung congestion and as an antispasmodic in herbal formulas. In slightly larger doses (15 drops), it acts as sedative. In large doses (40 drops of the tincture, or 2 gelatin capsules or more), it is a powerful emetic and can be used to vomit up something which you want to get out of the stomach fast! For most conditions (unless you want to induce vomiting), you will only use small doses.
  • In small doses: Lobelia is very good for asthma and whooping cough. It is outstanding for relieving spasms associated with lung and respiratory conditions. As an expectorant, it is useful in all respiratory treatments, especially the spasmodic type, in expelling phlegm. Add it to all cough medicines. Combine it with lady’s slipper for convulsions. Lobelia is also used for headaches, heart palpitation, indigestion, allergies, arthritis, asthma, chicken pox, contagious diseases, fevers (all kinds), jaundice, pleurisy, pneumonia, St. Vitus dance, teething, toothache. It relaxes the heart and lowers rapid pulse. Combined with skullcap and lady’s slipper, it is good for lock jaw.
  • In larger doses: It is invaluable for clearing the stomach of its contents, food poisoning, etc.
  • Small doses: Externally, lobelia is a wash for infected or itchy skin diseases. It is put in baths, fomentations, poultices, and liniments for muscles spasms. A few drops of the tincture placed in the ear will relieve earaches. It is used in poultices for bruises, sprains, felons, ringworm, erysipelas, poison ivy, snake and insect bites, and tumors. Add it to liniments for sore muscles, pains, and rheumatism. 

Warning: Do not give very large doses of lobelia! Although it is poisonous in large amounts, it will be vomited so fast as to unlikely cause any permanent harm.

Ladies Slipper

(Cypredium pubescens) Part used: Root (fresh). Properties: Antispasmodic, nervine, sedative. What it affects:Nerves.

Preparation and amount: Infusion: Steep 60 min. Take 1 Tbsp. every hour. Decoction: Simmer 60 min. Take 1 Tbsp. in 6 oz. water 3-4 times daily. Tincture: Take 5-30 drops 3 times daily. Fluid extract: Take 1/4 tsp. 3 times daily. Powder: Take 2-10 #0 capsules (5-60 grains) 3 times daily.

Purposes: Internally, lady’s slipper is an excellent nervine and acts as a tonic to an exhausted nervous system. It is said to be the best nervive relied upon for chorea, epilepsy, hysteria, headache, insomnia, and general nervousness. It is good for nervous indigestion. It has no narcotic (addictive) properties. Combined with ginger and a small amount of lobelia, it can be used for nervousness associated with fevers. Combined with chamomile or dandelion, it is a useful treatment for stomach or liver problems, including hepatitis. Combined with skullcap, it is used for headaches and hysteria. It is also good for cholera, epilepsy, and nervous exhaustion.

Licorice Root (ugat anis in tagalog)

(Glycyrrhiza glabra) Part used: Root used: Root. Properties: Demulcent, expectorant, laxative, alternative. What it affects: Lungs, stomach, intestines, spleen and liver.

Preparation and amount: Decoction: Simmer 5-15 min. Take 1 Tbsp. as needed. Tincture: Take 30-60 drops (1/2 – 1 tsp.) 2-3 times daily. Fluid extract: 1/2 - 1 tsp. 2-3 times daily. Syrup: Take 1 tsp. to 1 Tbsp. as needed. Powder: Take up to 10 #0 capsules (60 grains) daily.

Purposes: Internally, licorice is primarily used for bronchial problems, coughs, hoarseness, mucous congestion, and similar problems. It can also be taken for stomach problems, such as peptic ulcers and bladder and kidney ailments.
  • Added to bitter tonics, licorice root makes them more palatable and helps balance the herbal formula. It is excellent for all kinds of stomach and intestinal ulcers. It fights inflammation and viral, bacterial, and parasitic infection. It is a specific for colds, flu, and lung congestion, and is frequently added to cough syrups. It cleanses the colon, reduces muscle spasms, increases the fluidity of mucus in the lungs and bronchial tubes. It is a mild laxative and is effective for children and the elderly. It helps to inhibit the formation of plaque and prevents bacteria from sticking to tooth enamel. For hoarseness and throat problems, combine it with sage, ginger, horehound and coltsfoot.
  • Licorice root is useful for asthma, allergies, chronic, fatigue, emphysema, depression, enlarged prostate, fever, herpesvirus, hypoglycema, and glandular infection. For children’s throat and lung problems, combine licorice root powder with other herbs. Use it for inflammatory bowel disorders, premenstrual syndrome, and menopausal symptoms. A strong decoction makes a good laxative for children and may also help reduce fever. Add it to other herbal medicines ( and even drug medications), to make them more palatable. Use it for upper respiratory tract infections. It protects against atherosclerosis.
  • Licorice stimulates the production of interferon and may help inhibit replication of HIV. There is also evidence that it may prevent hepatitis C from causing liver cancer and cirrhosis.
  • Licorice extract has been shown to have activities similar to those of cortisone and, to a lesser extent, estrogen. It induces the adrenal cortex to produce larger amounts of cortisone and aldosterone. Glycyrrhizin, a chemical in licorice, has a chemical structure similar to human steroid hormones. Three other herbs (ginseng, wild yam, and sarsaparilla), all of which combine well with licorice, also have hormone-like substances in them. In Europe, licorice is used to help those with ulcers to recover.
Note: Licorice candy is useless because of its white sugar content and because it primarily consists of anise, not licorice.

Warning: Licorice should not be used by persons with diabetes, glaucoma, heart diseases, high blood pressure, or those who have had strokes. It should not be taken by those with severe menstrual problems or who are pregnant. It should not be used over seven days; for it can cause high blood pressure, even in those who have low or normal pressure. In addition, extended use can results in water retention or low potassium levels.

Lemon Balm (limon panghaplas in tagalog)

(Melissa officinalis) Part used: Tops. Properties: Diaphoretic, sedative, antitryptic, antispasmodic. What it affects: Nerves and circulation.

Preparation and amount: Infusion: Steep 5-15 min. Take 6 oz. as needed frequently. Tincture: Take 30-60 drops (1/2 – 1 tsp.) as needed. Fluid extract: Take 1/2 -2 tsp. as needed. Powder: Take 10 #0 capsules (60 grains) as needed.

Purposes: Internally, lemon balm is a specific for children and infants when indications of colds, flus, or fiver appear. Sweeten the tea with honey and give it hot to feverish children while they are covered with warm blankets. Or first put them into a hot bath with copious amounts of the tea; and then bundle them under blankets, to sweat it out.
  • Lemon balm is frequently used to cure melancholy and depression-induced sicknesses. It is also good for hysteria, cholera, insomnia, epilepsy. Headache, nervous, indigestion and hepatitis.

Kelp (kelp in tagalog)

(Fucus vesiculosus) Part used: Whole plant. Properties: Demulcent, nutritive, alternative, diuretic. What it affects: Thyroid, nerves, brain, kidneys and bladder.

Preparation and amount: Infusion: Steep 5-15 min. Take 1-2 cups daily. Tincture: Take 5-10 drops 1-2 times daily. Fluid extract: Take 10 drops 1-2 times daily. Powder: Sprinkle on food. Take 1 tsp. 1-2 times daily. Powder: Take 3-5 #0 capsules (10-30 grains) 1-2 times daily.

Purposes: California kelp, Norwegian kelp, Nova Scotia dulse, and European Irish moss are all primarily useful for the trace minerals they contain. (California kelp is not as nutritionally good as the others.)

Internally, this seaweed provides an abundance of natural iodine which is missing from much of the soil on the continents. In addition to their nutritive value, when eaten, the seaweed absorbs waste from the body fluids, binds with poisons, and carries them off. A factor, called sodium alginate, in kelp binds with radioactive strontium-90 in the intestine and carries it out of the body. This is an extremely important discovery.

Warning: It is said that, because of their high iodine content, very large quantities of seaweed could produce goiter-like symptoms. But, in reality, the excess trace minerals tend to, rather quickly, be eliminated in the sweat and through the kidneys.


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