
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pennyroyal (peniroyal in tagalog)

(American pennyroyal) – (Hedeoma pulegioides) Part used: Tops. Properties: Diaphoretic, emmenagogue, carminative, stimulant. What it affects: Circulation, uterus, and lungs.

Preparation and Amount: Infusion: Steep 5-15 min. Take 6 oz. frequently. Tincture: Take 30-60 drops (1/2 - 1 tsp.) frequently. Fluid extract: Take 1-2 drops frequently. Powder: Take 3-10 #0 capsules (20-60 grains) frequently.

Purposes: Internally, pennyroyal is especially used for all fevers and lung infections. It drives out the heat and inflammation through the pores of the skin and help the circulation. The warm infusion used freely will promote perspiration. It is good for nervous headaches, intestinal pains, cramps, hysteria, nervousness, and colds. It is used for convulsions, lung congestion, and colic.
  • A warm infusion promotes menstruation. Used hot footbaths of the tea, to bring on the menstrual flow. It is thus useful in regulating menstrual flow and for relieving cramps. But it should not be used by those who have a tendency toward excessive menstruation.

Externally, because it is a very strong smelling mint, pennyroyal is used to repel insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and fleas. It is also used for itching and skin diseases.

Note: The American species (Hedeoma pulegioides) and the European species (Mentha pulegium) have similar properties. So either one can be used.
Warning: It is urgent that pennyroyal not be taken during pregnancy!

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