
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Black Haw (itim haw in tagalog)

(Viburnum prunifolium) Part used: Bark of the root. Properties: Antispasmodic, emmenagogue, sedative, tonic. What it affects: Uterus, nerves, stomach and intestines.

Preparation and amount: Infusion: Steep 30 min. Take 3 oz. 3-4 times daily. Decoction: Take 1 oz. herb to 1 quart water. Simmer 30 min. Take 1 Tbsp. 3-4 times daily or as needed. Tincture: Take 1/2 - 1 tsp. 3-4 times daily. Fluid extract: Take 1/2 - 2 tsp. 3-4 times daily. Powder: Take 5-10 #10 capsules (30-60 grains) 3-4 times daily.

Purposes: Internally, black haw is another very helpful herb for female problems. It acts as a tonic and sedative to female reproductive organs. It eases cramps and constructions in the pelvic organs. It is excellent for painful menstruation, wherever due to nerve debility or congested tissue. It is extremely helpful for scanty menstrual flow accompanied by a severe bearing-down feeling with intermittent pain. It is valuable in chronic uterine inflammation, congested uterus and leukorrhea. Lastly, unlike some other “female herbs,” black haw can be used during pregnancy and gives a tonic effect.

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