
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Garlic (bawang in tagalog)

(Allium sativum) Part used: Bulb. Properties: Alternative, antibiotic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, expectorant, stimulant. What it affects: Lungs, circulation, nerves and sinuses.

Preparation and amount: Tincture: Take 30-60 drops (1/2 – 1 tsp.) 3-4 times daily. Juice: Take 30-60 drops 3-4 times daily. Oil: Take 2-3 drops or 1 tsp. Syrup: Take 1 Tbsp. 3-4 times daily. Powder: Take 5-10 #0 capsules (30-60 grains) 3-4 times daily.

Purposes: Garlic is one of the most powerful antiseptic substances ever discovered. It is also one of the most readily available, easily used medicinal substances. In the 1950s, Soviet scientist found it to be equal to penicillin yet without the harmful effects of that powerful drug.

Internally, garlic detoxifies the entire body and protects against infection by enhancing immune function. It is good for virtually every infection and disease. Its beneficial effect on blood circulation and heart action can bring relief for many common body complaints. It is used for all lung and respiratory ailments, colds, tuberculosis, fevers, and blood diseases; and it can be used as a tea or added to syrup for coughs.
  • It is used for arteriosclerosis, cancer, contagious diseases, coughs, cramps, diverticulitis, emphysema, gas, heart problems, high blood pressure, indigestion, liver congestion, rheumatism, sinus congestion, and ulcers. It aids in the treatment of arthritis, asthma, circulatory problems, cold and flu, digestive problems, heart disorders, insomnia, liver diseases, sinusitis, ulcers and yeast infections.
  • Garlic regularizes the action of the liver and gallbladder. It stimulates the digestive organs and thereby relieves various problems associated with poor digestion. It helps stabilize blood sugar levels. As an expectorant, it is useful for chronic stomach and intestinal catarrh, as well as chronic bronchitis. A cold tea can be taken as an enema for worms and pinworms. A warm enema tea is good for bowel infections. Used the fresh extract oil or tea eat the raw cloves.
  • Garlic is helpful in all intestinal infections, including dysentery, typhoid, cholera, and paratyphoid fever. It lowers blood lipid levels. It works to eliminate putrefactive intestinal bacteria. Because garlic lowers blood pressure, it helps to counteract arteriosclerosis.
Externally, garlic is used for ringworm, skin parasites, tumors, and warts.

Warning: People who take anticoagulant (blood thinning) drugs should not take garlic, since it also thins the blood somewhat.

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