
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pipsissewa (pesewa in tagalog)

(Prince’s pine) – (Chimaphila umbrellata) Part used: Tops. Properties: Alternative, diuretic, astringent, tonic. What it affects: Urinary tract, liver, skin, and circulation.

Preparation and amount: Infusion: Steep 5-15 min. Take 3 oz. as needed. Tincture: Take 15-60 drops as needed. Fluid extract: Take 1/2 - 1 tsp. as needed. Powder: Take 5-10 #0 capsules (30-90 grains) as needed.

Purposes: Internally, pipsissewa is a good remedy for kidney and bladder problems. It is especially good at producing diuretic action without irritant side-effects. Combined with dandelion, goldenseal, and yellow dock, it is good for all blood troubles and diseases of the urinary organs. It excellent for burning urine, urethral and prostate irritation, catarrh for the bladder, and relaxed bladder. Prolonged use of the leaf tea is said to dissolve bladder stones. For most liver, kidney, joint, and skin problems, a combination of the herb with Oregon grape root, taken frequently throughout the day, will prove very helpful.
  • It is also used for rheumatic problems, scrofula, dropsy, albuminuria, hematuria, chronic kidney problems, and gonorrhea. One cup of tea, 3 times daily (or 20 drops of tincture, 3 times a day), is the usual dosage. Karok Indian women in their late eighties would drink a quart or two a day for stiffness and genitor-urinary problems.
Externally, a tea or poultice made from pipsissewa can be applied to blister, ulcerous sores, tumors, and swellings.

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