Pithecolobium Dulce (Roxb) Benth leaves (kamatsili in tagalog) herbal medications to Aid Digestion.
Treatments for Indigestion:
Boil 1 cup in 5 glasses of water for 10 minutes. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Dosage: Adults: 2 cups initial, and then 1 cup every 4 hours. Children: 1 cup initial, then 1/2 cup every 4 hours. Babies: 1 tbsp, initial, and then 1 teaspoon every 4 hours.
Indigestion is the disturbance in the digestive function of the stomach or its failure to digest food.
Suggestive Measures to Aid Digestion: 1. Withhold food intake to four hours. 2. Drink one glass of hot water every hour during the 4 hour fasting. 3. Eat a slice of ripe melon tree 30 minutes after a heavy meal. 4. Eat light meals without fatty foods after the four-hour fasting.
Hyperacidity is the excessive secretion of acid in the stomach which may be due to tension, starvation, and other causes.
Suggestions for Relief Symptoms: 1. Learn to relax and exercise. 2. Have a regular meal time. 3. Drink water between and not during meals. 4. Don’t eat spicy and hot foods.
Herbal Naturalizer to Help Relieve Symptoms: 1. Carrot and Cabbage Juice.
Wash and slice in small pieces one big carrot and 1/4 kilo cabbage. Osterize the carrots and cabbage with 2 glasses of water. Strain and add 1 tablespoon sugar. Sugar is optional. Keep in refrigerator to cool. Prepare for one day’s supply only.
2. Olive Oil.
Take one teaspoon 30 minutes before meals for severe symptoms.
Note: Do this only when there are symptoms. Olive oil may increase cholesterol blood level.